ISO 9001:2015(JIS Q 9001:2015)
Our Pipe Fittings & Manufacturing Unit has acquired ISO9001, the international certification standard for quality management system established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The ultimate goal of the ISO9001 quality management system is to achieve customer satisfaction. To this end, we pursue continuous quality improvement through PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Action).

Mill Test Report
There are two types of certificates issued by ASK: Inspection Certificate (so-called “Mill Sheet”) and Inspection Report.

Inspection Certificate
An Inspection Certificate (so-called “Mill Sheet”) is issued to prove the type, size designation, quantity, chemical composition, mechanical properties, and other important elements of the fitting products we supply. We will create and issue the documents according to the orders from each customer. Products for which Inspection Certificates are issued are those specified by JIS B 2312 and JIS B 2313, which are the standards for pipe fittings. Please contact us for inquiries.
Inspection Report
An Inspection Report is a written proof about the type, size and quantity and certificate of inspection regarding fitting products we supply. The Report is created and issued according to customer’s order. The products for which product certificates are issued are those specified in JIS B 2311, which is the standard for pipe fittings. Please contact us for inquiries.