
No.1 / Complete Shape Memory Effect in Polycrystalline Fe-Mn-Si Alloys 

著者 / M.Murakami, H.Otsuka, H.G.Suzuki, S.Matsuda
投稿先 / Proc. of ICOMAT-86
巻号頁年 / (1986)985-990

No.2 / Improvement in the Shape Memory Effect of Fe-Mn-Si Alloys by the Thermomechanical Treatment 

著者 / H.Otsuka, M.Murakami, S.Matsuda
投稿先 / MRS Int'l Mtg. on Adv.Mats
巻号頁年 / Vol.19(1988)451

No.3 / Thermomechanical Consideration for Martensitic Transformation of Fe-Mn-Si Shape Memory Alloys 

著者 / M.Murakami, H.Otsuka, S.Matsuda
投稿先 / MRS Int'l Mtg. on Adv.Mats
巻号頁年 / Vol.19(1988)447

No.4 / Shape Memory Effect in Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni Polycrystalline Alloys  

著者 / H.Otsuka, H.Tanahashi, T.Maruyama, H.Yamada
投稿先 / Materials Science Forum
巻号頁年 / Vols.56-58(1990)655

No.5 / Effects of Alloying Additions on Fe-Mn-Si Shape Memory Alloys  

著者 / H.Otsuka, H.Yamada, T.Maruyama, S.Matsuda, H.Tanahashi, M.Murakami
投稿先 / ISIJ International
巻号頁年 / Vol.30,No.8(1990) 674

No.6 / Fe-Mn-Si Based Shape Memory Alloys 

著者 / H.Otsuka
投稿先 / Mat.Res.Soc.Symp. Proc.
巻号頁年 / Vol.246(1992)309

No.7 / Internal Friction of Fe-Mn-Si Alloy 

著者 / I.Yoshida, H.Otsuka
投稿先 / Journal of Alloys and Compounds
巻号頁年 / 211/212(1994)208 

No.8 / Applications of Fe-Mn-Si Alloy for Pipe Joints 

著者 / H. Tanahashi, T. Maruyama and H. Kubo
投稿先 / Advanced Materials `93. V/B:Shape Memory Materials and Hydrides edited by Otsuka et al., Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Jpn.,
巻号頁年 / Vol. 18B (1994) 1149-1154

No.9 / Formation of Surface Texture and Anisotropy of Shape Memory Effect in an Fe-Mn-Si Alloy 

著者 / O.Matsumura, S.Furusako, T.Furukawa and H.Otsuka
投稿先 / ISIJ International
巻号頁年 / Vol.36,No.8(1996)1103

No.10 / Improvement of Shape Memory Effect due to Low-Finishing-Temperature Hot-Rolling in an Fe-28Mn-6Si-5Cr Alloy 

著者 / O.Matsumura, S.Furusako, T.Sumi, T.Furukawa and H.Otsuka
投稿先 / Materials Science and Engineering-A
巻号頁年 / A272(1999)459

No.11 / Characteristics of Fe-28Mn-6Si-5Cr Shape Memory Alloy Produced Centrifugal Casting 

著者 / H.Otsuka, T.Maruyama and H.Kubo
投稿先 / Proceedings of International Symposium on Shape Memory Materials(Materials Science Forum)
巻号頁年 / Vols.327-328(2000)243

No.12 / Pseudoelasticity in an Fe-28Mn-6Si-5Cr shape memory alloy 

著者 / O.Matsumura, T.Sumi, N.Tamura, K.Sakao, T.Furukawa and H.Otsuka
投稿先 / Materials Science and Engineering-A
巻号頁年 / A279(2000)201

No.13 / Superelastic behavior of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Alloy Coil 

著者 / H.Otsuka, K.Nakajima and T.Maruyama
投稿先 / Materials Transactions, JIM
巻号頁年 / Vol.41No.4(2000)547

No.14 / HVEM Observation of Microstructures in Fe-Mn-Si Based Shape Memory Alloys after High Speed Deformation 

著者 / A. Sato, H. Oonishi, Y. Yamaguchi, S. Kumai, T. Maruyama and H. Kubo
投稿先 / Electron Microscopy Its Role in Materials Science, The Mike Meshii Symposium, TMS Annual Meeting
巻号頁年 / (2003) 183-190

No.15 / 鉄系形状記憶合金の変形特性 

著者 / 直井久、丸山忠克
投稿先 / 塑性と加工
巻号頁年 / Vol. 5 (2004-9) No.524, 697-701

No.16 / Characterization of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Shape Memory Alloys containing VN Precipitations 

著者 / H. Kubo, K. Nakamura, S. Farjami and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / 6th ESOMAT Cirencester,Engrand(Materials Science and Engineering Lousanne-A)
巻号頁年 / Vol. 378 (2004) 343

No.17 / Characteristic of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr shape memory alloys in centrifugal casting 

著者 / H.Kubo, H.Otsuka, S.Fajami, T.Maruyama
投稿先 / Scripta Materialia
巻号頁年 / 55(2006)1059-1062

No.18 / Mechanical Properties of Fe-Mn-Si Based SMA and the Application 

著者 / A. Sato, H. Kubo and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / Materials Transactions
巻号頁年 / Vol. 47 (2006) No.3, 571-579

No.19 / Evolution of Solidification Structures in Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Shape Memory Alloy in Centrifugal Casting 

著者 / K. Ito, R. Sahara, S. Farjami, T. Maruyama and H. Kubo
投稿先 / Materials Transactions
巻号頁年 / Vol. 47 (2006) No.6, 1584-1594

No.20 / FeMnSi基形状記憶合金薄板の二軸引張変形に対する形状回復特性 

著者 / 和田学, 直井久, 保田英洋, 丸山忠克, 吉田亨
投稿先 / 塑性と加工
巻号頁年 / 2006 年 47 巻 548 号 865-869

No.21 / Shape recovery characteristic for ferrous shape memory alloy by prestrain of biaxial stress 

著者 / H. Naoi, T. Gamou, T. Kawaguchi, M. Wada and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / AMT2010, XIXth Physical Metallurgy and Material Science Conference, Zakopane Poland
巻号頁年 / (2010-6) 268-271

No.22 / Investigation of shape recovery stress for ferrous shape memory alloy 

著者 / H. Naoi, M. Wada, T. Koike, H. Yamamoto and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / WIT Press, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
巻号頁年 / XIV (2009) 485-496

No.23 / Fe-Mn-Si-Cr形状記憶合金切削屑を利用したスマート複合材料の開発 

著者 / 若槻哲平, 佐藤尚, 渡辺義見, 丸山忠克
投稿先 / 鉄と鋼
巻号頁年 / Vol. 92 (2006) No.9, 24-28

No.24 / Improvement of Oxidation Resistance of an Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Shape Memory Alloy by Annealing under Vacuum 

著者 / H. Fukai, S. Suzuki, N. Masahashi, S. Hanada, T. Maruyama, H. Kubo and Y. Waseda
投稿先 / Materials Transactions
巻号頁年 / Vol. 46 (2006) No.8, 1745-1748

No.25 / Structural Characterization of Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in a Polycrystalline Austenitic Fe-Mn-Si-Cr Alloy 

著者 / S. Senoo, K. Shinoda, M. Sato, T. Maruyama and S. Suzuki
投稿先 / Materials Transactions
巻号頁年 / Vol. 49 (2008) No.6, 1229-1234

No.26 / Shape recovery characteristics of biaxially prestrained Fe–Mn–Si-based shape memory alloy 

著者 / M. Wada, H. Naoi, H. Yasuda and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / Materials Science and Engineering A
巻号頁年 / Vol. 481–482 (2008) 178–182

No.27 / Innovation in Producing Crane Rail Fishplate using Fe-Mn-Si-Cr based Shape Memory Alloy 

著者 / T. Maruyama, T. Kurita, S. Kozaki, K. Andou, S. Farjami and H. Kubo
投稿先 / Materials Science & Technology
巻号頁年 / Vol. 24(2008) No.8, 908-912

No.28 / Investigation of shape recovery strain for ferrous shape memory alloy 

著者 / H. Naoi, M. Wada, T. Koike, T. Maruyama
投稿先 / 3rd International Conference on Thermo-mechanical Processing of Steels, Texture and Anisotropy 1
巻号頁年 / (2008-9) 86

No.29 / Properties of Pipe Joints Made of Ferrous Shape Memory Alloy Steel 

著者 / M. Wada, K. Narita, H. Naoi and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / 2nd International Conference on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels, TMP 2004
巻号頁年 / (2004-6) 375-382

No.30 / Investigation of shape recovery stress for ferrous shape memory alloy 

著者 / H. Naoi, M. Wada, T. Koike, H. Yamamoto and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / WIT Press, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
巻号頁年 / XIV (2009) 485-496

No.31 / Shape recovery characteristic for ferrous shape memory alloy by prestrain of biaxial stress 

著者 / H. Naoi, T. Gamou, T. Kawaguchi, M. Wada and T. Maruyama
投稿先 / AMT2010, XIXth Physical Metallurgy and Material Science Cnference, Zakopane Poland
巻号頁年 / (2010-6) 268-271

No.32 / 中性子回折による定量的なミクロ組織情報に基づく鉄系形状記憶合金の逆変態現象解析 

著者 / 塙健太、小貫祐介、植村勇太、星川晃範、鈴木茂、大塚広明千葉悠矢、佐藤成男
投稿先 / 鉄と鋼
巻号頁年 / Vol. 105, No. 10 (2019)58-67

No.33 / Interplay between phase transformation and dislocation evolution in iron-based shape memory alloys 

著者 / S. Sato, K. Hanawa, Y.Onuki, Y. Uemura, A.Hoshikawa, H. Otsuka, Y.Chiba,S. Suzuki
投稿先 / Proc. of 19th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM)
巻号頁年 / 2021年3月バーチャル開催
参考URL http://icotom19.com/